Supper and the single girl: jane's next door

Eating for one requires strategy, and strategy takes a certain tenacity that doesn't always exist, especially on a Friday night after a long work week. You want something quick. You want something to pop in the oven. You want a Single Person Portion. That rotisserie chicken looks tasty, but let's be real, you'll be eating it for the next seven days.

A frozen pizza seems like the only option, but alas, it's not. Three words: jane's next door. Attached to jane's on the commons, the restaurant on Robie known for its brunch, jane's next door is a single person's culinary oasis. The display counter is well stocked with sandwiches, baked goods and salads--but most importantly their fridges host a plethora of single-sized, oven-ready gourmet meals.

I opted for the seafood chowder and the lamb shepherd's pie. I usually equate the latter with winter, but the day I strolled into jane's, the wind was pelting cold rain against my face and I needed some seasonal comfort. The buttery mashed potatoes, juicy ground lamb, chunks of carrot and perfect amount of thyme made me feel like I was eating shepherd's pie in my grandmother's kitchen.

Fresh dill and smokey bacon gave the seafood chowder a tasty twist on the Maritime classic served at any and every local pub, and they don't scrimp on the big chunks of haddock, scallops, baby clams and salmon--a real pet peeve. Creamy and delicious.

Made me kinda sad I wouldn't be eating both for the rest of the week after all.

jane's next door is at 2398 Robie St. They're open Tuesday to Friday, 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m.

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1 comment:

palina said...

Amateur Foodie!
What a brilliant post. Made me wish I was out east checking this out.

Can't wait for the next post!
