Tried and true on the dark side: Mic Mac Bar & Grill

There's nothing fancy about the Mic Mac Bar & Grill.

Really. I can't think of one thing. But that's what I love about it.

The blue vinyl-sided building would never lure in new customers, and the chaotic, bingo hall-esque atmosphere on the inside sure wouldn't impress, but you can't beat the steaks.

The family-run operation has been satisfying carnivores of Dartmouth (and Halifax and beyond) for over 40 years. I've never been disappointed–five visits and counting.

This time it's Saturday night and the place is so packed I can't hear my stomach growling. I order my usual–the 7 ounce bacon wrapped tenderloin. On the drive over, my brother-in-law informed me that Dr. Oz advises always having your red meat cooked well done in a restaurant. This bit of info slightly kills my buzz, but I go ahead with my medium slab of flesh anyway. If I die young, I want to go out knowing I enjoyed my last steak with a warm pink centre.

While I wait for the meat and potatoes to arrive, I reflect on the history of the Mic Mac Bar and Grill. Had I travelled back in time about 35 years, my presence in this particular establishment would not be welcome. Before the early '70s it was a drinking spot for men. I look to my right and see a woman eating up the 10oz special and washing it down with a pint. Times have changed.

After my mind voyage to the days of yore is complete, our friendly, efficient server sets my ample and delicious 12 dollar dinner in front of me. I'm a happy camper. My steak is perfectly seasoned and as tender as a love scene in a Hugh Grant movie.

Some things are worth crossing the bridge for, and this tried and true spot at 215 Waverly Road is one of them.

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1 comment:

StraightFromTheCurls said...

So happy to see and read this latest entry, Babs! Made me miss Halifax, even though I've never visited.
