Mary had a local lamb: The Armview

While bicycling through rural New Zealand I passed a field of frollicking lambs and swore I'd never eat them again.

I broke that rule shortly after in a fancy restaurant with my uncle when the smell of a roasted rack drifted past my nose.

Why fight it?

It's too damn good, and in recent weeks I've experienced the extreme highlight of my lamb-eating days at The Armview on Chebucto Road.

Ground lamb marinated in garlic, grilled and placed on a ciabatta bun with tzatziki, lettuce and tomato, I call it Halifax's finest burger.

It's juicy. It's hearty. Your taste buds will get up and dance. And your conscience can take the night off because the lamb is local! Gallons of jet fuel were not burned flying those little creatures here from the green pastures of the Antipodes.

(This is a sloppy argument, I know. We won't get into the other environmental ramifications of eating meat. I just don't have the time. I have a beef tenderloin in the oven I must tend to.)

The bottom line is...

If you want to enjoy a pleasant bike ride, go to New Zealand. If you want to discuss the morals of meat eating, don't visit this website. And if you want to enjoy a good-quality lamb burger with a fresh, crisp greek salad, brave the death-defying rotary and go to The Armview.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to see you back at it, Randinov. I want a lamb burger now. But all I'm being offered is Bulgogi. You must take me here when I visit.


Palina Sshole