Farewell to Nova Scotia, you sea-bound coast: Hodge Podge

I realized on the way home today that I didn't cook at all last week. Eiks! I like to pretend it's because my fridge is on its last legs and I don't trust an appliance from the '70s to safely store my food, but that would be a lie.

After seven days of dining out (shhhhh, don't think about the money...) I needed some serious vegetable lovin. Thus, hodge podge. I always thought my dad had made the name up, but a quick Googling session revealed the pot o'veggies to be a Nova Scotia tradition. Who knew it was linked to my South Shore roots?

Throw fresh carrots, string beans, potatoes and peas (if you have them, it's a bit early) into a pot, boil till cooked, drain and add cream, butter and salt & pepper.

Wearing some Nova Scotia tartan, cranking up a Rita MacNeil album and talking about the Blue Nose will really make your dinner hour complete.

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Unknown said...

crank the Rita MacNeil? For real? You're giving us Maritimers a bad rep! You're making me hungry!!! -kiki

amateur_foodie said...

Sorry....how about The Rankin Family?