The four f's & The Trellis Café

I always said I was moving back to the east coast for the four f's: family, friends and fresh fish. I've been here almost eight months and I still squeal with delight every time a plate is laid in front of me with a piece of fish that looks and tastes like it's been caught ten minutes ago specifically for my order.

The availability of delicious sea creatures will never cease to excite me—Saturday being a great example of this. After a refreshing (translation: freezing) swim in the 15-degree water at Queensland beach, we pulled in to The Trellis Café in Hubbards.

I contemplated the menu and did my usual round of, "What are you getting?" with my co-diners and finally decided on the haddock burger and home fries. I always gravitate toward the seafood, obviously, for reasons noted above, but also because deep down, a sick and twisted part of me wants to find some place in the HRM that serves old, yellowed white fish or has a box of Captain High Liner in the kitchen. That sounds like a disturbing meal out, but only a teeny tiny part of me would take pleasure in this.

But this discovery would not be made in Hubbards. My dark side would not be appeased at The Trellis Café. In fact, this lovely roadside spot outside the city wins the prize, hands down, for the most tasty, succulent and fresh piece of haddock. Pan-fried to perfection on a homemade whole wheat bun. No fancy bells and whistles to mask its goodness. And why would you try to jazz it up when you have such a superior filet of fish? You'd have to be mad. The home fries were baked in the oven too, so you don't walk away feeling like your arteries have just closed in another quarter inch.

A tasty, tasty meal for only ten bucks. And a great way to get your core temperature back up after swimming in the arctic-like waters.

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