Stretching the budget: Halifax eats nothing but garbanzo beans

These past couple of weeks I have overextended myself, financially speaking.

Translation: I did things like buy a 3 dollar cupcake and drink too many cocktails.

With pay day still seeming like weeks away, I decided to reign in the spending, decrease my frequent trips to the grocery store and take advantage of the Superstore sale on chickpeas.

Good for the wallet, not so good for the food website. Thus, my week-long silence.

After eating them for 4 consecutive days as channa masala, I have developed a love-hate relationship for chickpeas.

I love them because they're a legitimate protein source, they are bloody tasty in curry and a 4-year-old child could cook with them.

I hate them because I'm hungry again 20 minutes after consumption, leading me back to forage in my cupboards, eat more food and completely nullify the reason I bought them in the first place.

Things will get more interesting. I promise.

Culinary adventures are a swipe of the Visa away.

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Equisilus said...

Chick peas in chili! Bestest use ever! Well, maybe not EVER.

amateur_foodie said...

Good call. Perhaps hummus is the best use of the chickpea ever?

Unknown said...

yes, hummus!